Alluris service team labcoat

DAkkS Calibration

Laboratory and on-site calibration accredited in accordance to ISO/IEC 17025

As the top brand and manufacturer of handheld force gauges in Germany we ascertain that the measuring results are traceable to the international reference standards of German national metrology institute PTB.

As specialist for calibration standards for force, torque and frequency we can support you to choose the right calibration certificate for your application.

Supporting your instruments

Our laboratory can provide calibration services for Alluris®  products as well as gauges from many other well-known manufacturers, including Ametek, Atorn, Chatillon, Dillion, Imada, Mark-10, Mecmesin, Shimpo, TesT, and more.

You'll receive a traceable and qualified calibration certificate matching the requirements of your certification according to ISO 9001:2015; IATF 16949:2016 or ISO 13485.

Talk to your Alluris representative for your country about solutions, pricing and support

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